Mar fora coruna beautiful and dangerous beach

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean we have to say goodbye to the beaches. The Spanish coastline has places that are even more beautiful in autumn, as during this time of year there are no bathers and you can enjoy its beauty without roasting in the heat.

One of the beaches we recommend you visit in autumn is Mar de Fora, in A Coruña, a beautiful beach that opens defiantly between the Uña do Ferro and Alba do Sul points, on the windward side of Cape Finisterre, to the open sea, with nothing to protect it from the violent waves and the strong wind that has formed its dune system of 270 metres deep and up to eight metres high. Would you like to know a little more about this beautiful Galician corner?

No place for bathing

Of course, Mar de Fora is not the place for swimming, and even less so at this time of year, as the sea is rough and rough and the water is very cold. The signs in four languages read: “Praia perigosa. Dangerous beach. Dangerous beach. Pluge dangereuse”. Nevertheless, it is the ideal place for a stroll along the 550-metre-long shore or along the 9.5-kilometre coastal path that continues to Rostro beach.

A place to see the stars

Despite being very close to the town of Fisterra, Mar de Fora beach is isolated from urban centres. In summer, and on bright days, you can enjoy beautiful sunsets and, on clear nights, you can also observe the stars, as the light pollution on the Costa da Morte is low.

Access and services

The beach can be reached from different paths, although there is a well-signposted and well-conditioned descent. Within a 15-minute walk there are various services, such as supermarkets, bars and cafés.

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