Playa El Muellito (Salinas)

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Where is El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

Overview El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

El Muellito beach in Antigua is a 180-metre long beach of sand and pebbles.

General characteristics El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

  • Length of the beach: 180 metres
  • How wide is the beach? Approx. 17 metres
  • Level of occupancy of the beach: low
  • Does it have a promenade?: No
  • Type of sand: golden
  • It is not a nudist beach
    (Check with your local tourist office or town hall as each beach may have its own specific regulation)
  • Is there a tourist information office on or near the beach? no

Security features El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

  • Usual bathing conditions: calm waters
  • The beach does NOT have a lifeguard service.
  • Does it have signposting: No.
  • Nearest hospital:

    General Hospital of Fuerteventura
    Ctra. del Aeropuerto, Km 1 (Puerto del Rosario)

    Indicative distance to the hospital from the beach: 15 km.

    (Source: Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge [July 2020])
    (Check with the nearest tourist office or the town hall of the municipality to which El Muellito Beach (Salinas) belongs to confirm the information)

Accessibility features El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

  • How to get to the beach: Easy walking / car.
  • We have no information about the access facilities for people with reduced mobility or motor disabilities to this beach.
    If in doubt, please consult the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • It is possible that the access to the beach is not signposted or that the signposting is insufficient.
    If in doubt, ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • Is there a car park: No
  • Nearest road to the beach:
  • Can the beach be reached by bus? Yes
    Type of bus / additional info: Interurban, Line 2
    Check with the nearest tourist office or town hall to confirm routes and dates when it is operational.
  • How to get to the beach: Easy walking / car.
  • We have no information about the access facilities for people with reduced mobility or motor disabilities to this beach.
    If in doubt, please consult the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • It is possible that the access to the beach is not signposted or that the signposting is insufficient.
    If in doubt, ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • Is there a car park: No
  • Nearest road to the beach:
  • Can the beach be reached by bus? Yes
    Type of bus / additional info: Interurban, Line 2
    Check with the nearest tourist office or town hall to confirm routes and dates when it is operational.

Nature around

  • What is the composition of the beach?
    Sand / Pebbles
  • What is the coastline (coastal frontage) on which the beach is located like?


IMPORTANT: We try to make the information about El Muellito Beach (Salinas) as accurate as possible. The data are based on information provided by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Government of Spain). Last update: July 2020. In any case, if you see any errors, please let us know through the contact form.

Reserva alojamiento en la zona a través de

Reserva tu alojamiento cerca de esta playa

Other beaches near El Muellito Beach (Salinas)

(Distancias orientativas en lĂ­nea recta)

Caleta de Fuste (El Castillo) – 3.6 km
Pozo Negro – 5.1 km
CarriĂłn – 6.7 km
Puerto Escondido (Del Matorral) – 7.9 km
Blanca – 12.4 km