Playa Salinas (Tercera de Luarca)

Buscar hoteles y apartamentos cercanos

Where is Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

Overview Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

Located in the tourist town of Luarca, it is a very popular urban beach with clean waters and a good level of facilities.

General characteristics Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

  • The beach is about 250 metres long
  • Average width of the beach: 75 metres
    Width variation: a lot
  • The beach usually has a high occupancy rate
  • There is a promenade next to the beach. Type : complete
  • What is the type of sand on this beach like: dark
  • It is a non-nudist beach
    (Check with your local tourist office or town hall as each beach may have its own specific regulation)
  • Is there a tourist information office on or near the beach? no

Security features Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

  • In Salinas (Tercera de Luarca) there are usually moderate swell conditions.
  • On this beach there is usually a lifeguard/rescue service.
    Summer season.
    Ask at the tourist office or nearest town hall if you need to check when it is in operation.
  • The beach has danger / safety signage.
  • Nearest hospital:

    Hospital Comarcal de Jarrio
    Jarrio (Coaña)

    Indicative distance to the hospital from the beach: 21 km.

    (Source: Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge [July 2020])
    (Check with the nearest tourist office or the town hall of the municipality to which Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca) belongs to confirm the information)

Accessibility features Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

  • How to get to the beach: easy on foot
  • The beach has adaptations and access facilities for people with reduced mobility.
  • Access to the beach is signposted
  • Is there a car park: No
  • Nearest road to the beach: N-634
  • There is no bus service to the beach (or we have no information available for this beach).
    Ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • How to get to the beach: easy on foot
  • The beach has adaptations and access facilities for people with reduced mobility.
  • Access to the beach is signposted
  • Is there a car park: No
  • Nearest road to the beach: N-634
  • There is no bus service to the beach (or we have no information available for this beach).
    Ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.

Nature around

  • Is there any vegetation of interest on the beach or nearby?
  • Where is the vegetation found (type, etc.)?
    On the beach
  • Is this beach part of a protected natural area? yes
    Protected Landscape / ZEPA / LIC
  • What is the coastline (coastal frontage) on which the beach is located?


IMPORTANT: We try to make the information about Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca) as accurate as possible. The data are based on information provided by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Government of Spain). Last update: July 2020. In any case, if you see any errors, please let us know through the contact form.

Reserva alojamiento en la zona a través de

Reserva tu alojamiento cerca de esta playa

Other beaches near Salinas Beach (Third of Luarca)

(Distancias orientativas en lĂ­nea recta)

Castiel – 0.3 km
Primera y Segunda de Luarca – 0.5 km
Las Arreas – 0.9 km
TourĂĄn – 1.3 km
Chousera – 1.6 km