Playa MarĂ­n

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Where is MarĂ­n Beach

Overview MarĂ­n Beach

Small isolated beach lacking in services and facilities.

General characteristics MarĂ­n Beach

  • Length of the beach: 80 metres
  • How wide is the beach? Approx. 50 metres
  • Level of occupancy of the beach: low
  • Does it have a promenade?: No
  • Type of sand: golden
  • It is a nudist beach
  • Is there a Tourist Office on the beach or nearby? yes

Security features MarĂ­n Beach

  • Usual bathing conditions: calm waters / moderate waves.
  • The beach does NOT have a lifeguard service.
  • Does it have signposting elements: No
  • Nearest hospital:

    Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (CHUAC).
    Xubias de Arriba, 84 (A Coruña)

    Indicative distance to the hospital from the beach: 32 km.

    (Source: Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge [July 2020])
    (Check with the nearest tourist office or the town hall of the municipality to which MarĂ­n Beach belongs to confirm the information)

Accessibility features MarĂ­n Beach

  • How to get to the beach: difficult on foot.
  • It does NOT have access facilities for people with reduced mobility.
  • It is possible that the access to the beach is not signposted or that the signposting is insufficient.
    If in doubt, ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • Is there a car park available?: Yes

    Indicative capacity of the car park: more than 100 spaces.

    What type of security/surveillance does the car park include?: guarded

  • Nearest road to the beach: Ctra. Miño – Pontedeume
  • Can the beach be reached by bus? Yes
    Type of bus / additional info: Interurban 7 Km away
    Ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall to confirm routes and dates when it is operational.
  • How to get to the beach: difficult on foot.
  • It does NOT have access facilities for people with reduced mobility.
  • It is possible that the access to the beach is not signposted or that the signposting is insufficient.
    If in doubt, ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall.
  • Is there a car park available?: Yes

    Indicative capacity of the car park: more than 100 spaces.

    What type of security/surveillance does the car park include?: guarded

  • Nearest road to the beach: Ctra. Miño – Pontedeume
  • Can the beach be reached by bus? Yes
    Type of bus / additional info: Interurban 7 Km away
    Ask at the nearest tourist office or town hall to confirm routes and dates when it is operational.

Nature around

  • Is there any type of vegetation on or near the beach? Yes
  • Where is the vegetation (type, etc.)?
    On the beach
  • What is the coastline (coastal frontage) on which the beach is located like?


IMPORTANT: We try to make the information about MarĂ­n Beach as accurate as possible. The data are based on information provided by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Government of Spain). Last update: July 2020. In any case, if you see any errors, please let us know through the contact form.

Reserva alojamiento en la zona a través de

Reserva tu alojamiento cerca de esta playa

Other beaches near MarĂ­n Beach

(Distancias orientativas en lĂ­nea recta)

Perbes (Andahio) – 0.2 km
Andahio (Boebre) – 0.6 km
Lago – 0.9 km
Insua (Carboeira) – 1.4 km
Grande de Miño – 1.8 km